POST api/Course/PushCourseSubject
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
subjectFormViewModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Subject | MST_SUBJECT |
None. |
Base_Subject | MST_BASE_SUB |
None. |
SubjectClassification | Collection of SUB_CLASSIFICATION |
None. |
subjectMarksStructureList | Collection of SUB_MARKS_STRUCTURE |
None. |
SUB_CLASS_ID | Collection of integer |
None. |
M_1ST_TOTALMARKS | Collection of integer |
None. |
M_2ND_TOTALMARKS | Collection of integer |
None. |
M_3RD_TOTALMARKS | Collection of integer |
None. |
M_4TH_TOTALMARKS | Collection of integer |
None. |
MAX_MARKS | Collection of integer |
None. |
MIN_MARKS | Collection of integer |
None. |
CREDIT | Collection of integer |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "subject": { "suB_ID": 1, "subjecT_NAME": "sample string 2", "coursE_ID": 3, "mbsid": 4, "s_YID": 5, "papeR_TYPE": 6, "scH_GRP_ID": 7, "scH_GROUP_NAME": "sample string 8", "hoW_MANY_GRP_IN_GRP_SCHEME": 9, "grouP_ID": 10, "grouP_NAME": "sample string 11", "hoW_MANY_SUB_IN_GROUP": 12, "suB_CODE": "sample string 13", "papeR_NUMBER": 1, "iS_ACTIVE": true, "suB_TITTLE": "sample string 15", "iS_THEORY": true, "iS_PARACTICAL": true, "iS_CCE": true, "iS_SESSIONAL": true, "iS_MST_2": true, "iS_MST_1": true, "iS_ASSIGNMENT": true, "iS_MID_SEM": true, "iS_QUIZ": true, "papeR_TITTLE": "sample string 25", "iS_INTERNAL": true, "adD_MARKS_TO_MARKSEET": true, "iS_SEMINAR": true, "iS_VIVA": true, "iS_INTERNAL_ASSESMENT": true, "bscagprintcredit": "sample string 31", "createD_BY": 1, "sessioN_ID": 1, "createD_DATE": "2024-12-01T02:41:50.957736Z", "iS_PRACTICAL_SESSIONAL": true, "iS_THEORY_SESSIONAL": true, "batcH_ID": 1, "nsP_MAJOR_CAT_ID": 1, "nsP_SUB_CAT_TYPE": 1, "adD_GRADE": true, "neP_SUBJECT_TYPE": 1 }, "base_Subject": { "suB_CODE": "sample string 1", "suB_NAME": "sample string 2", "iS_ACTIVE": true, "mbsid": 4 }, "subjectClassification": [ { "id": 1, "classificatioN_ID": 2, "classificatioN_NAME": "sample string 3", "classiicatioN_CODE": "sample string 4", "order": 1 }, { "id": 1, "classificatioN_ID": 2, "classificatioN_NAME": "sample string 3", "classiicatioN_CODE": "sample string 4", "order": 1 } ], "subjectMarksStructureList": [ { "suB_ID": 1, "maX_MARKS": 2.0, "createD_DATE": "2024-12-01T02:41:50.957736Z", "suB_CLASS_ID": 4, "miN_MARKS": 5.0, "id": 6, "iS_ACTIVE": true, "m_3RD_TOTALMARKS": 8.0, "m_4TH_TOTALMARKS": 9.0, "m_2ND_TOTALMARKS": 10.0, "m_1ST_TOTALMARKS": 11.0, "credit": 12, "createD_BY": 1 }, { "suB_ID": 1, "maX_MARKS": 2.0, "createD_DATE": "2024-12-01T02:41:50.957736Z", "suB_CLASS_ID": 4, "miN_MARKS": 5.0, "id": 6, "iS_ACTIVE": true, "m_3RD_TOTALMARKS": 8.0, "m_4TH_TOTALMARKS": 9.0, "m_2ND_TOTALMARKS": 10.0, "m_1ST_TOTALMARKS": 11.0, "credit": 12, "createD_BY": 1 } ], "suB_CLASS_ID": [ 1, 2 ], "m_1ST_TOTALMARKS": [ 1, 2 ], "m_2ND_TOTALMARKS": [ 1, 2 ], "m_3RD_TOTALMARKS": [ 1, 2 ], "m_4TH_TOTALMARKS": [ 1, 2 ], "maX_MARKS": [ 1, 2 ], "miN_MARKS": [ 1, 2 ], "credit": [ 1, 2 ] }
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
Sample not available.